Scouting For Food
Scouting for Food
Scouting for Food has been a long running, much anticipated event, partnering the Rotary Club of Toms River, The Boy Scouts of the Jersey Shore Council, high school TEAM volunteers, family members, friends; and even pets!
On two consecutive Saturday’s in the fall, we typically canvass the more than 13,000 homes in Holiday City and Silver Ridge, dropping off empty bags denoting the Scouting for Food event; and return the next weekend to collect the bags and distribute the non-perishable food items to local food pantrys.
We estimate that each year we pick up more than 15,000 lbs. of food. One year we collected more than 25,000 lbs. This event brought into focus the need in our community to bridge the gap during the holidays for putting food on the table of the needy.
From this endeavor our Feed the Hungry program was launched.